Black Ice Volunteers Wanted

The 11th Black Ice Pond Hockey Tournament will take place January 28-30 at White Park in Concord NH.
Over the 10-year history of the tournament the Black Ice Pond Hockey Association has been able to donate over $400,000 back to the community to programs true to our mission. This mission is to maintain and expand Ice Skating and other Recreational Activities in the Greater Concord Area. Black Ice is a non-profit which depends solely on volunteers to plan, setup, coordinate and clean up the event at White Park. We owe the success of these events to the many hours from volunteers and organizations over the 10 years.
The board of directors, are still looking for several volunteers to serve as Rink Monitors. The role of the rink monitors is to keep score of the game and help to keep the game moving. You will be paired up with a veteran volunteer at a specific rink.
Please email me prior to Monday January 24, (Jim Doremus) at with your name, and phone number and preference on days and time periods, and if you have any restrictions. My cell umber is 603-783-1132. Most of our monitors will either work start in the morning until early afternoon or early afternoon through the end of day.
Click the Volunteer Waiver button to download the waiver. Please complete this form as soon as possible and scan or take a picture with your cell phone ad along. Scheduling will be confirmed the week of the event.
Thank you again for your interest in helping out with the 11th Black Ice Pond Hockey Championship, I look forward to hearing from you.