2022 Support Campaign Opens

Our calendar runs from January 1st to December 31st.
There are four types of annual Support Levels: White $25; Blue $50; Red $100; Platinum $150 or more. This year, supporters at the Red or Platinum levels will receive 20 oz. vacuum insulated stainless steel tumbler.

The White Level includes: one decal and the supporter’s name on our web site.
The Blue Level includes: one decal; the supporter’s name on our web site; a 2022 NH Legends of Hockey orange hat with the Legends’ logo.
The Red Level includes: one decal; the supporter’s name on our web site; a 20 oz. vacuum insulated stainless steel tumbler with laser engraved Legends logo.
The Platinum Level includes: one decal; the supporter’s name on our web site; a 2022 NH Legends of Hockey orange hat and a 20 oz. vacuum insulated stainless steel tumbler with laser engraved Legends logo.
Tax ID: 56-2421910. *According to IRS regulations, the value of your contribution must be reduced by the value of benefits you receive. To view and or print 2022 Supporter Brochure, click here.
At this time, we plan on ordering tumblers at the end of January, February and March. Please make sure your payment is received before month end.
Please send your check, made payable to the NH Legends of Hockey, to PO Box 777, Manchester, NH 03105-0777.
If you’d prefer to pay by credit card, please visit our website, nhlegendsofhockey.com, click the “Membership” and “Join Us” tabs, then select the support level of your choice. Please be sure to include your mailing address, phone, email information and size for mittens or gloves if applicable.
We thank you in advance for your support.
The Board of Directors